Baby Looney Tunes Wiki

This is the transcript for Comfort Level.


(The episode begins with Baby Lola swinging on the swing set.)

Baby Lola: Higher, Bugs!

Baby Bugs: Any higher, and you'll be upside-down!

(Baby Sylvester is using his blanket as a bullfighting cape. He is waving it in front of Baby Taz. Taz puts his index fingers up to his ears and paws the ground with his foot.)

Baby Taz: Taz! Taz! Taz! Taz!

(Taz spins into Sylvester's blanket, spinning Sylvester around.)

Baby Sylvester: (He holds head.) Whoa! Uh, maybe we should play something else. Something less dangerous for me and my blankie.

Baby Daffy: (He's standing on top of the slide.) Look out below, my furry friend! (slides down) Whoopee!

(Daffy soars over Sylvester and lands in the sand. Baby Tweety is on the slide.)

Baby Tweety: Come slide, Sylvester! It's fun! (She slides down.)

Baby Sylvester: (He climbs the slide.) Alright, but it looks kinda... kinda s-s-s-slippery to me. (slides down using his blanket as a parachute)

Baby Daffy: What's the point of sliding if you're not sliding especially fast?

Baby Sylvester: (He takes blanket off his head.) This is how my blankie and me like to slide.

Baby Daffy: Allow me to show you how to slide properly. (He takes Sylvester's blanket.)

(Daffy climbs up the slide. Sylvester looks up as Daffy climbs the slide. Daffy puts Sylvester's blanket down on top of the slide. He bounces on it and slides down the slide. Daffy flies the blanket like a magic carpet. Suddenly, he crashes down into the sand.)

Baby Daffy: (He spits out sand.)

Granny: Kids, it's time for your nap! Hurry along now!

Baby Sylvester: (He claps.) Oh goody, goody! Naptime means soon it will be lunchtime! Maybe Granny has baked up some of those
